Loyalty Program
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Become a loyalty member and earn points on your purchases to later redeem them for discounts on your favorite products.
Become a loyalty member and earn points on your purchases to later redeem them for discounts on your favorite products.
For every dollar you spend you’ll earn equal amount of points.
Reach 150 points to redeem 10% off your order.
Reach 300 points to redeem 20% off your order.
Loyalty members cannot combine their reward discounts with coupon codes or items on sale. However, referral program credits may be used along with reward points.
No. The delivery fee amount is a charge applied to a purchase and does not count towards points accumulated.
Yes. Reward members earn points weather they shop online or over the phone.
Yes. Once points reach 150 or 300 points you’ll have 180 days to redeem them.
Already a rewards member? Log in to view your wallet.